Projects & News
2024: Outcomes and Accomplishments
In 2024, our members and community came together in unity for a successful year filled with activism, events, and comradery in service of Our Mission: To preserve and protect the character, charm and historic resources of Mission Hills for the education and benefit...
Arnold & Choate’s / North Florence Heights
On May 3, 2024, the California State Historical Resources Commission (SHRC) voted unanimously to recommend the Arnold & Choates Addition—North Florence Heights historic district for listing on the National Register of Historic Places. Since then, the...
Current Projects
Restore the Presidio Park Cobblestone Swales
Mission Hills Heritage is partnering with The San Diego Parks Foundation and San Diego’s Department of Parks & Recreation to restore the historic cobblestone curbs and swales of Presidio Park. But we need your donation to make this project a reality!...
Historical District Update
Mission Hills Heritage Seeks Pathway for Local Designation of National Register Historic Districts By: Barry Hager Historic districts are the most effective way to protect the architecture and history of vintage neighborhoods. To encourage the establishment of...
Inspiration Heights Update
Inspiration Heights Historic District Placed on the National Register By: Barry Hager On October 29, 2021, the State Historic Resources Commission voted unanimously to approve Inspiration Heights for listing on the National Register of Historic Places. This is the...
Historic Designation of Old Mission Hills Library (2020)
After the City vacated the old Mission Hills Branch Library, MHH nominated the old branch library for historic designation with the City of San Diego. The designation was approved in 2020, but is on appeal as of February...
Past Projects
Restoration of Arbor at Presidio Park (2016-2018)
MHH board members spearheaded an effort to convince the City to restore the crumbling historic Arbor Area at Presidio Park. MHH contributed funding for materials, with assistance from the Mission Hills Town Council and Mission Hills Garden Club. Restoration work...
Rezone of Residential Areas of Mission Hills (2016)
Following a multi-year effort that involved intensive surveying and petition drives, MHH convinced the City Council to re-zone a multi-block residential area in Eastern portions of Mission Hills, including a large multi-block area south of University Avenue, to...
Expansion of Mission Hills Historic District (2014)
MHH provided financial support and MHH personnel were involved in the community effort to expand the Mission Hills Historic District by 99 homes. The addition of the “Annex Area” was approved by the City in 2014.
Red Bungalow Update – October 2023
MHH FILES APPEAL OF LITTLE RED BUNGALOW DECISION Councilman Whitburn needs to hear from YOU! Please help us convince the City to hear the appeal filed by Mission Hills Heritage asking for a fair re-hearing before the HRB for the Little Red Bungalow! MHH...
Restoration of Inspiration Heights Pillars (2013)
After the theft of original plaques on two of the three Inspiration Heights pillars in 2011, MHH spearheaded the effort to replace the plaques, which was paid for by Council District 2 funds. MHH also arranged for donated services by Chism Bros. Painting to repair...
Interim Height Ordinance (2008-2016)
MHH helped lead the effort that resulted in a temporary ordinance capping new building heights at 50’ in the commercial core area of Mission Hills. The temporary ordinance was replaced with a permanent overlay zone as part of the Uptown Community Plan Update,...
Installation of Acorn Lights in Areas of Mission Hills (2006-2013)
MHH personnel spearheaded this multi-year effort to create a maintenance assessment district (MAD) to install historic style acorn street lights in North Mission Hills to coincide with utility undergrounding. The new street lights were finally installed in...
Project Revisions for One Mission (2003 – 2005)
MHH founding members led a community effort that resulted in major revisions to the Paseo De Mission Hills project (renamed One Mission) at the gateway to Mission Hills. The architectural style was changed to blend more with the neighborhood and the building...
Mission Hills Heritage Winner of 2022 Preservation Award
Save Our Heritage Organisation (SOHO) Announces the 2022 Winners for the "People In Preservation" Awards The 39th Annual People In Preservation Awards honors outstanding preservationists who led distinctive projects, ranging from a meticulous reconstruction of the...